our services

In - Patient Services

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Theater Services

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Theater Services

Mission Care Hospital - Kitengela is an ultra modern facility that has specialized doctors that can offer surgical operations welcome so that we can help salvage your health.

Doctors Consultation

We do comprehensive professional examination based on signs and symptoms presented by the patients illness that aid us to arrive at a proper diagnosis.

Ultrasound Scanning

Mission Care Hospital - Kitengela is a facility that is well equipped all round Ultrasound Scanning services are offered at our facility and the results are availed instantly.

Laboratory Services

We have a well equipped Laboratory that enables us to carry out decent, effective and a wide range of laboratory tests hence making sound diagnosis.


We boast of a fully stocked pharmacy that has all it takes to provide the best of it all for the patients be sure of getting all drugs that you need and we dispense medicine that merges with the diagnosis and hence cure assured.

Immunization Services

Having well organized and a modern facility aids us to offer several Immunization services that include but not limited to BCG, Polio, Pentavalent, Measles, HPV and IPV among others

Dental Services

You no longer need to worry about any dental problems feel free and visit our facility as soon as possibly o that we can alleviate your suffering on matters dental.

X - Ray services.

X - ray Services are very essential in any health service provision ecosystem. Get this service at very affordable prices at our facility so that you can correctly identify your problem before it escalates to unprecedented levels.

Ambulance Services

Our ambulances are very bready to serve you at any emergency call. Fell free to call our numbers as provided to enable us save a life or lives.

We have been in the practice for long offering professional services to all our clients so far so good all our medical practices have been deemed successful therefore we can boast of being the best facility  in our region based on the customer feedback. Our main aim is to move healthcare services next to your doorstep  that will in turn make the society healthy hence making the country run and produce more.

We are  happy when your health needs are catered and acted on on time since illnesses know no time. The earlier the better.

As the peerless leaders and provider’s of  essential and advanced healthcare  services we welcome you to our facility for the best medical services. Thank you.